Assigning qualified, unbiased and interested reviewers to paper submissions is vital for maintaining the integrity and quality of the academic publishing system and providing valuable reviews to authors. However, matching thousands of submissions with thousands of potential reviewers within a limited time is a daunting challenge for a conference program committee. Prior efforts based on topic modeling have suffered from losing the specific context that help define the topics in a publication or submission abstract. Moreover, in some cases, topics identified are difficult to interpret. We propose an approach that learns from each abstract published by a potential reviewer the topics studied and the explicit context in which the reviewer studied the topics. Furthermore, we contribute a new dataset for evaluating reviewer matching systems. Our experiments show a significant, consistent improvement in precision when compared with the existing methods. We also use examples to demonstrate why our recommendations are more explainable. The new approach has been deployed successfully at top-tier conferences in the last two years.
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卷积神经网络(CNN)的量化表现出显着的进展,其意图通过低比特宽度数据输入降低计算和存储成本。然而,没有关于现有全比特宽处理单元(例如CPU和DSP)的系统研究,可以更好地利用各种量化位线下的卷积的显着更高的计算吞吐量。在这项研究中,我们提出了Hikonv,一个统一的解决方案,它通过新的比特和平的并行计算来最大化给定底层处理单元的计算吞吐量来处理低比特宽量化数据输入。我们使用全比特宽乘法器建立理论性能范围,以实现高度并行化的低位宽卷积,并展示在该关键域中的高性能计算的新突破。例如,单个32位处理单元可以在一个CPU指令下提供128个二值化卷积操作(乘法和添加),并且单个27X18 DSP核心可以在一个周期中提供具有4位输入的八个卷积操作。我们展示了Hikonv对卷积层或完整的DNN模型的CPU和FPGA的有效性。对于量化为4位的卷积层,Hikonv在CPU上使用C ++实现了基线实现的3.17x延迟改进。与FPGA的DAC-SDC 2020冠军模型相比,HIKONV分别实现了2.37倍的吞吐量提高和2.61倍的DSP效率改进。
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图形神经网络(GNNS)在学习从图形结构数据中展示了成功,其中包含欺诈检测,推荐和知识图形推理。然而,培训GNN有效地具有挑战性,因为:1)GPU存储器容量有限,对于大型数据集可能不足,而2)基于图形的数据结构导致不规则的数据访问模式。在这项工作中,我们提供了一种统计分析的方法,并确定了GNN培训前更频繁地访问的数据。我们的数据分层方法不仅利用输入图的结构,而且还从实际GNN训练过程中获得了洞察力,以实现更高的预测结果。通过我们的数据分层方法,我们还提供了一种新的数据放置和访问策略,以进一步最大限度地减少CPU-GPU通信开销。我们还考虑了多GPU GNN培训,我们也展示了我们在多GPU系统中的策略的有效性。评估结果表明,我们的工作将CPU-GPU流量降低了87-95%,并通过数亿节点和数十亿边缘的图表提高了现有解决方案的GNN训练速度。
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随着社会越来越多的机器学习(ML)和深度学习(DL)进行各种智能解决方案,它将在普通开发实践和资源下规范ML / DL型号的ML / DL型号的常见措施变得越来越迫切。人们可以在共同的地面上基准和比较模型质量和性能。 MLCommons最近出现了来自工业和学术界的推动力,以协调这种努力。尽管其广泛采用作为标准化基准,但MLCommons推断只包括有限数量的ML / DL模型(实际上总共七种型号)。这显着限制了MLCommons推论的基准测试结果的一般性,因为研究界有更多的新颖ML / DL模型,解决了不同输入和输出方式的广泛问题。为了解决这种限制,我们提出了MLHARNESS,用于MLCommons推断的可扩展基准线束系统,具有三种独特的特点:(1)它根据MLCommons推理定义的标准基准过程,包括模型,数据集,DL框架和软件和硬件系统; (2)它为模型开发人员提供了一种简单且声明的方法,使其模型和数据集贡献到MLCommons推断; (3)它包括具有不同输入/输出模态的各种模型的支持,以便我们可以在不同的数据集,框架和硬件系统上缩放这些模型。该线束系统是在MLModelscope系统的顶部开发的,并将开放到社区。我们的实验结果表明,对于MLCommons推理基准测试,这种线束系统的卓越灵活性和可扩展性。
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大多数现有的神经结构搜索(NAS)算法专用于下游任务,例如计算机视觉中的图像分类。然而,广泛的实验表明,突出的神经架构,例如计算机视觉和自然语言处理中的LSTM中的reset,通常擅长从输入数据中提取模式并在不同的下游任务上执行良好。在本文中,我们试图回答与NAS相关的两个基本问题。 (1)是否有必要使用特定的下游任务的性能来评估和搜索良好的神经架构? (2)我们可以有效且有效地执行NAS,同时对下游任务无关吗?要回答这些问题,我们提出了一种新颖和通用NAS框架,称为通用NAS(Genna)。 Genna不使用特定于特定的标签,而是通过对架构评估的一组手动设计的合成信号基础采用回归。这种自我监督的回归任务可以有效地评估架构的内在力量以捕获和转换输入信号模式,并允许更多地使用训练样本。在13个CNN搜索空间和一个NLP空间中的大量实验和一个NLP空间在评估神经架构(通过近似性能与下游任务性能之间的排名相关Spearman的RON)和收敛速度之间的rho(通过排名相关Spearman的Rho量化)来证明GennaS的显着效率培训(几秒钟内)。
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Given the increasingly intricate forms of partial differential equations (PDEs) in physics and related fields, computationally solving PDEs without analytic solutions inevitably suffers from the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. Recent advances in neural operators, a kind of mesh-independent neural-network-based PDE solvers, have suggested the dawn of overcoming this challenge. In this emerging direction, Koopman neural operator (KNO) is a representative demonstration and outperforms other state-of-the-art alternatives in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Here we present KoopmanLab, a self-contained and user-friendly PyTorch module of the Koopman neural operator family for solving partial differential equations. Beyond the original version of KNO, we develop multiple new variants of KNO based on different neural network architectures to improve the general applicability of our module. These variants are validated by mesh-independent and long-term prediction experiments implemented on representative PDEs (e.g., the Navier-Stokes equation and the Bateman-Burgers equation) and ERA5 (i.e., one of the largest high-resolution data sets of global-scale climate fields). These demonstrations suggest the potential of KoopmanLab to be considered in diverse applications of partial differential equations.
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Temporal sentence grounding (TSG) aims to identify the temporal boundary of a specific segment from an untrimmed video by a sentence query. All existing works first utilize a sparse sampling strategy to extract a fixed number of video frames and then conduct multi-modal interactions with query sentence for reasoning. However, we argue that these methods have overlooked two indispensable issues: 1) Boundary-bias: The annotated target segment generally refers to two specific frames as corresponding start and end timestamps. The video downsampling process may lose these two frames and take the adjacent irrelevant frames as new boundaries. 2) Reasoning-bias: Such incorrect new boundary frames also lead to the reasoning bias during frame-query interaction, reducing the generalization ability of model. To alleviate above limitations, in this paper, we propose a novel Siamese Sampling and Reasoning Network (SSRN) for TSG, which introduces a siamese sampling mechanism to generate additional contextual frames to enrich and refine the new boundaries. Specifically, a reasoning strategy is developed to learn the inter-relationship among these frames and generate soft labels on boundaries for more accurate frame-query reasoning. Such mechanism is also able to supplement the absent consecutive visual semantics to the sampled sparse frames for fine-grained activity understanding. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SSRN on three challenging datasets.
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